Sunday, December 26, 2010


Hey everyone!  Long time no post!  I hope you all are having a great break and an even better holiday.  I got some wicked sweet CDs for Christmas this year, which is odd because since getting an Ipod...last year's big gift....I have only been using Itunes.  So having a CD is like a foreign object to me!  Again our generation is getting way too tech-savvy for me!  I am laying in bed listening to Mumford and Sons!  Check them out if you don't know who they are!  They are my calm me down CD.  So now I am just laying here watching the snow fall, listening to music, and waiting to get back to school to get going on work again!  Have a great rest of break everyone.

Love you Lots-LYL

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sad songs?

Does anyone else just get those days when they aren't necessarily sad or depressed.  Just kind of going through the day?  Today I am having a fine day but here I am sitting at my computer drinking some coffee and listening to really sad depressing music! haha It is quite comical to me because I am doing quite fine but legitimately I just listened to a song about cutting...Not that I am a cutter, I am just a freak and like to choreograph dance pieces to songs.  So I am just sitting here picturing a person in all black and red dancing alone on a stage in front of an audience.  Is that weird?  I have been really thinking more and more about dance, I think that I want to audition for So You Think You Can Dance!  If you don't know what that is, it is a dancing competition to become America's "Favorite" Dancer!  I like how they put that in there "Favorite"  not the best necessarily, as you would know...sometimes the best dancer goes home very early in the competition which is kind of crap.  I think it would be a great experience though.  I have always had a weird obsession with reality television.  I am thinking Big Brother, Survivor, The Real World, or SYTYCD! :)

I think that is a huge blow to someone's professional career but I think it would be so much fun! I think I am entertaining enough to be on one!  :)

But for now I am just sitting here sipping my coffee, listening to A Fine Frenzy, and looking at my bed thinking about taking a nap.  The life of a student leader doesn't seem so bad once the semester is winding down...

I think blogging could become one of my new favorite hobbies.  Welcome to my crazy mind, sorry if these are super A.D.D.  It is just where my mind wanders to!

Have a glorious day and remember to stay classy.

*I exist as I am and that is enough*


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Life of a Student Leader

Just checking this out!!  Has anyone thought about how technologically savvy our generation has become within the past few years.  Make me wonder what the next ten years will hold for us!  hmmm maybe this blogging thing wont be so hard! :)  Well this is my first blog, kind of exciting!  I am sitting in my apartment listening to Nicki Minaj!  Does anyone else think that she is crazy.  Well my first semester of my Junior year of college is almost done with one final to go and a paper due tomorrow.  I cannot believe that my undergrad career is almost done and then grad school follows.  Then after that I make it into the real world...holy crap.  Life is moving way to fast around me.  I think that this is a very hectic time for students.  Especially upper classmen!  We are stressing about grades, social lives, relationships, and now also worrying about careers and life after college.  Whoever said that these were the best times of our lives was clearly mistaken, college isn't that great, it isn't one big party for a student leader!  Life goes on, and I am going to go hit the books, and by hit the books I mean hit the hay.  Thanks for reading and maybe I will make a habit of this! :)