Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Fray

Hey everyone!

So today was a super hectic day!  Getting ready for a conference in Michigan and all!  I did five loads of laundry, packed for the weekend, folded sheets for the res. hall room, listened to music, hung out with my RA, and read last minute bids.  Sounds very boring to you all but I really enjoyed it! HAHA  Especially doing my laundry!!! I really needed to get that done today! :)

So I also have listened to music that depicts how I am feeling.  I started listening to the Fray a lot tonight.  I started with "How to Save a Life".  It got me thinking a lot about a certain friend.  Although he isn't dead, he definitely isn't choosing the best path for himself and I feel like I really am losing him.  This is someone that I have a lot of love for.  He has been there for me when I was going through a lot of things, and also caused me to go through a lot of things and make a lot of difficult decisions that helped shape me into the person that I am today.

I urge everyone to watch the video...don't mind the crying children.....but look at the numbered rules of how to cope with losing someone, it is quite beautiful.

Anyways I guess I am trying to say that we need to be there for those individuals in our lives as much as we can. Sometimes they don't want the help, and sometimes they take it.  I guess I wish that he would take the help that I have offered and get his life together because he is such a great person.  Another tangent I know! SO SORRY! :)

Just a lot on my mind lately!!!

So tell your friends that you will always be there for them and just make yourself an asset to them if they ever needed help getting through a sticky situation!

With that I will give you my picture which is me on top of my pile of laundry!!! :)

I apologize to my avid readers, this weekend I will be in Michigan for a business conference, so I will not have an update.  But don't worry on Sunday I will recap my last few days with PICTURESSS!!!! :D

Love you all!

"I Exist as I am, and that is Enough"-Walt Whitman <3

Cory ;)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Laugh, Love, Learn

So today I had a very interesting conversation.

The subject was relationships.  Do you ever realize how much time we actively go searching for a relationship?  We either are in a good relationship, ending a bad one, or trying to get with someone that really isn't what we need.  I have been single for the majority of this year, and my emotions on that change regularly.  Some days I really want someone there to hold at night, and other days I appreciate the fact that I don't have the silly fights over nothing and the constant ups and downs of a relationship.

Right now I have the mentality that I am going to sit back and enjoy the ride.  I have always believed that things happen for a reason, and I deeply believe in fate.  I just hate when I see people relying so much on their partner because do you really need that person to survive?  I am just thinking about how dependent we have become on another individual to make ourselves happy...I want people to stand up, gain the independence and recognize that we don't need these boys or girls to prove something to ourselves or to others.  I am going off on a huge tangent right now and I apologize, but I just want to see people become more independent. Live for today, Live for you.  In the end that is all you have.  Go for what makes you happy while we are young and don't worry about that boy that you met a few months ago that might be holding you down.  This is just me since I am a pretty independent person when I am in a relationship to begin with. haha

I guess what I am trying to say, is just enjoy your life while you have it.  Go for your dreams and don't let anyone hold you back.  You are You and You are Beautiful.

Remember where you came from and enjoy the steps that you have taken that have made you into the individual that you are today.

Everyone deserves their prince or princess and don't be afraid for them to come.  Because if it truly is meant to be then you will have love and happiness that makes up for all of the lonely nights.

Also don't forget that people come in and out of your lives for a reason.  They have a purpose and something to teach you, and when they are done helping you get through something or teaching you an important life lesson then they will be done.  So remember that everything happens for a reason and the people in your life today are there for a specific reason.  Cherish them and love them.  Because even if you don't have a booboo, well you probably have a great group of friends that are standing right next to you supporting and loving you unconditionally.

Spread the Love,


P.S. I'm lookin a hot mess tonight, just love me.  It's late and I just got done writing a paper and reading bids for a conference this weekend! :) <3

Tuesday, March 8, 2011



So today was a pretty chill day, working a lot with reading bids and legislation for RHAA and all that jazz!

But that's boring and I don't want to talk about that! HAHA

On tonight's episode of glee I was pretty moved not only by the amazing song choices for tonight's episode but also the strong story line.  Throughout the past few weeks, the episodes have been really amazing but I feel like they strayed away from the actual stories of these small town kids and the troubles that they face.  Well tonight they got back to the heart and soul of the show.  SPOILER ALERT if you haven't watched the episode yet then stop reading here, go to hulu, watch the episode, and then come back to my blog and read away! :D

So tonight the theme was SEX!  Pretty fun topic, but they hit on Kurt and how he really doesn't know much about being intimate with another man.  I thought that the discussion between Kurt's father and Kurt was absolutely PHENOMENALLY written!  It was passionate, vulnerable, and heart-felt.  SO AMAZING!  But it doesn't stop there!  They also had an absolutely beautiful scene between Santana and Brittany.  It reminded me of exercises that we did in Acting class, but it just felt so real and I really felt for them both.  I think that portraying gay and lesbian youth in the media is so important.  The more it is seen the less alien it will appear to people.  And also it was really cool how they made it known that gay individuals go through the same things that straight individuals go through and more!   When Santana was talking about how she was just so afraid of what people would say behind her back would hurt her more than hearing it from them directly....well I think that almost every gay individual can feel for her on that account.

So all in all I think it was a wonderful episode!  And then in honor of Jersey Shore, we started the prank war by hanging Chris' stuffed animal Panda to the ceiling!!! Just like Vinny did to Snooki's crocadilly! :D


Hope everyone had a great day!!!  Get ready for LEEEEEEENT!!!! :)

Peace, Love, and Crocadillys


Monday, March 7, 2011

New Opportunities!

Hey Everyone!
Firstly I would like to say how much I appreciate my followers! Love you all mucho!  AND I love the people that pay my blog a visit and read my craziness!! You all should get a blogger account and follow me! :) AND MY ROOMMATE ANDREW!

Well so today I had a pretty mellow day.  Went to classes, ran around the union trying to find food, hurdled some crises, and even went to a talk back for our Theatre Department!  Heads up we are doing Cabaret next year in the Spring Semester! :)

Well I today I reminisced on opportunities.  Sometimes we go for gold and fall short.  Sometimes life just doesn't go the way you want it to.  Sometimes all of these things happen for a reason.  I didn't get something that I really wanted today, but that is OK.  I am hoping that this plays out well in my life and also follows my favorite saying "everything happens for a reason".  When one door closes another door opens.  I think that I can learn that maybe piling everything onto my plate is not the smartest idea, and not being busy 24/7 isn't the worst thing in the world...I think that when I freaking out I forget why I am actually doing this job.  So maybe we all need to just realize what we have in our lives and then move forward.  So I am waiting for that door to open....and if doesn't happen soon I'm going to start busting down doors on campus! :)

Since I am in a RAWR kind of mood!  Here is my super sassy picture of the day!

I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!
peace, <3, and CROCS!
Cory Daniel

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Today was my dear friend Sammi's birthday! We went out to Red Robins today and enjoyed a lot of amazing food, and even saw Heba eat a French fry for a starving child in Africa! :) After that we roamed around Walmart and then headed back to campus!

Katarzhyna Luchen came over to make a delish soda cake! :)  We made it rainbow and it tasted taste the rainbow....yea not very good! :)

I also got to spend time with the sassy girls from across the hall which is always a blast! :)

Today was clearly just a great day for connecting with friends!  Sometimes it is even great to connect with old friends.  I got to talk a lot with my friend Alex who I met Freshman year and we haven't really spoken much since that year, but now we have been talking more.  I am so very thankful for all of my friends that I have in my life and wouldn't trade their crazy hot mess asses in for anything in the world! :)

With that I hope you all had a lovely weekend and that you have a successful week of classes! :D

Love you ALL!
Peace and Rainbow Cakes!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Little Scotty Walker!

Hey friends!
So I today I went to Madison for the first time in a long time! :)  I went with my roommate Andrew and lovely friend Heba!  We left Green Bay around 8:30 and started our journey down to Madison.
We jammed out in the car and finally got to Mad-town!  When we got there we joined a small group that was circling State Street!  They were pretty vocal and we got some cheering in!  Reminded me of my good ol' delegate days!  So we started marching down State Street to the Capital!  It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.  There was such a large body of people there, some were old and some were young.  Andrew made a baby cry from cheering too loudly! haha

We marched around the capital and then decided to go inside to show our support, we cheered, we supported each other, we cheered Heba's name as she spoke in the middle of the capital and professed her love to Abe Lincoln!

We then went to the Pita Pit which was DELISH!  Then after playing some practical jokes on Andrew we went to the Library to get some books for Heba!  This Library was sketch, and I felt like I was going to die in there....seriously avoid the Madison Public Library.  Even though the guard was the cutest little old man ever made, do not let him fool you, you will get shanked by ghosts or evil bookkeepers and then fed to the cockroaches....and don't even think about going into the elevator!

Anyways, then we visited Abe and had a photoshoot with the classy sassy man himself!  It was loads of fun!

Then we went home and Toph and I were really mean to each other before settling our fake fight and heading to bed!

Sorry this one is very lackluster I am pooped from a hard day of protesting!!! If you get the opportunity to get down to Madison, DO IT!  It is crazy, and fun, and intense!! Thanks Heba and Andrew for inviting to go down there with you! :)

Much Love!
This Bill is BANANAS!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day O' Peace

Hey peeps!
Today I had a very joyous day!  I had my GTP interview!  I had a very good feeling about it after I left the room and cannot wait to hear on Tuesday if I got the job or not!  So stay tuned to see if I get it now! :D

As some of you may or may not have known!  Today was the day of peace!  I hope you all worked up some great karma and performed nice actions to other human beings!  But remember that peace should not just be practiced on one day out of the year.  This is like a reminder of what we are constantly striving for.

Practice Peace and Love,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My life is a mess!


So I have had my hair pretty long now because of a production that I was in.  Now that the show is FINALLY done with, I had the freedom to do what I wanted with my hair!  So like anyone else would do I decided to chop it completely off!  Well I had my roommate do it with his razor that we used to cut his hair!....Well the battery took a crap on us right away, so we invented some ghetto-tastic razor contraption!  Check it out on my facebook page!  My hair is probably one of the most important things in my life right now! as silly as that may sound, it is true!  So I love my roommates, Chris and Andrew, for being there for me while I chopped it all off! :D

I also spent a majority of the day listening to songs from Scott Alan, Aaron Tveit, and music from "The Unauthorized Autobiography of Samantha Brown".  Amazing people and an amazing show! Check them out! :D

Peace and Love!
"Shine On"

Day Two

Hey Everyone, so I think I am just going to do my own thing with this challenge, since TECHNICALLY I have already failed twice and it is only supposed to be day three! :D  Well today I had a very hectic but amazing day!

I had some great classes that I attended, went to a phenomenal meeting, then to a pretty good one, and then off to see the Production of "Twelve Angry Jurors".

It just really makes me invigorated and happy when things start falling into place instead of falling apart at the seems.  Even though I am a huge hot mess at times and my stories make my friends laugh and say "Oh Shmore"...well I still try to go forward and make the best out of life's crazy situations! :)

In honor of my amazing day, I took a picture of myself wearing a t-shirt from an amazing program that I went to last night! :)

"WANNA MAKE OUT?"-That is what I wish it said!  I am thinking about all of the classy places I can wear this shirt! ;)

Have a wonderful day!
Shine On

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

365 Photo Challenge!

So everyone!  I am starting, with my roommate Andrew, the 365 day photo blog challenge!  Every day I will post a picture and a story along with it describing my day!  The picture could be of my face, an object, or the scenery around me!  But being the narcissus that I am , they will mostly be of me, probably doing ridiculous things like climbing out of a cleaning honor of Ke$ha's birthday today! :)

Today I went to a fantastic speaker on sexual assault.  We learned all about asking the question.  Can I kiss you?  What is OK?  What are you not OK with?  Really interesting stuff but the main thing that really got to me was his story about how his sister was raped and she was as strong as can be after it happened.  He told us how to be a tool to survivors and how to help them move on.  It was incredibly moving and I am so glad that I got the opportunity to witness this amazing program.

Then I went on to Applebees with some of my amigos where we were crazy and inappropriate like usual and had an amazing time!