Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Laugh, Love, Learn

So today I had a very interesting conversation.

The subject was relationships.  Do you ever realize how much time we actively go searching for a relationship?  We either are in a good relationship, ending a bad one, or trying to get with someone that really isn't what we need.  I have been single for the majority of this year, and my emotions on that change regularly.  Some days I really want someone there to hold at night, and other days I appreciate the fact that I don't have the silly fights over nothing and the constant ups and downs of a relationship.

Right now I have the mentality that I am going to sit back and enjoy the ride.  I have always believed that things happen for a reason, and I deeply believe in fate.  I just hate when I see people relying so much on their partner because do you really need that person to survive?  I am just thinking about how dependent we have become on another individual to make ourselves happy...I want people to stand up, gain the independence and recognize that we don't need these boys or girls to prove something to ourselves or to others.  I am going off on a huge tangent right now and I apologize, but I just want to see people become more independent. Live for today, Live for you.  In the end that is all you have.  Go for what makes you happy while we are young and don't worry about that boy that you met a few months ago that might be holding you down.  This is just me since I am a pretty independent person when I am in a relationship to begin with. haha

I guess what I am trying to say, is just enjoy your life while you have it.  Go for your dreams and don't let anyone hold you back.  You are You and You are Beautiful.

Remember where you came from and enjoy the steps that you have taken that have made you into the individual that you are today.

Everyone deserves their prince or princess and don't be afraid for them to come.  Because if it truly is meant to be then you will have love and happiness that makes up for all of the lonely nights.

Also don't forget that people come in and out of your lives for a reason.  They have a purpose and something to teach you, and when they are done helping you get through something or teaching you an important life lesson then they will be done.  So remember that everything happens for a reason and the people in your life today are there for a specific reason.  Cherish them and love them.  Because even if you don't have a booboo, well you probably have a great group of friends that are standing right next to you supporting and loving you unconditionally.

Spread the Love,


P.S. I'm lookin a hot mess tonight, just love me.  It's late and I just got done writing a paper and reading bids for a conference this weekend! :) <3

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