Tuesday, March 8, 2011



So today was a pretty chill day, working a lot with reading bids and legislation for RHAA and all that jazz!

But that's boring and I don't want to talk about that! HAHA

On tonight's episode of glee I was pretty moved not only by the amazing song choices for tonight's episode but also the strong story line.  Throughout the past few weeks, the episodes have been really amazing but I feel like they strayed away from the actual stories of these small town kids and the troubles that they face.  Well tonight they got back to the heart and soul of the show.  SPOILER ALERT if you haven't watched the episode yet then stop reading here, go to hulu, watch the episode, and then come back to my blog and read away! :D

So tonight the theme was SEX!  Pretty fun topic, but they hit on Kurt and how he really doesn't know much about being intimate with another man.  I thought that the discussion between Kurt's father and Kurt was absolutely PHENOMENALLY written!  It was passionate, vulnerable, and heart-felt.  SO AMAZING!  But it doesn't stop there!  They also had an absolutely beautiful scene between Santana and Brittany.  It reminded me of exercises that we did in Acting class, but it just felt so real and I really felt for them both.  I think that portraying gay and lesbian youth in the media is so important.  The more it is seen the less alien it will appear to people.  And also it was really cool how they made it known that gay individuals go through the same things that straight individuals go through and more!   When Santana was talking about how she was just so afraid of what people would say behind her back would hurt her more than hearing it from them directly....well I think that almost every gay individual can feel for her on that account.

So all in all I think it was a wonderful episode!  And then in honor of Jersey Shore, we started the prank war by hanging Chris' stuffed animal Panda to the ceiling!!! Just like Vinny did to Snooki's crocadilly! :D


Hope everyone had a great day!!!  Get ready for LEEEEEEENT!!!! :)

Peace, Love, and Crocadillys


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